



Wir danken unseren Partnern für das Vertrauen und die professionelle Zusammenarbeit. Hier eine Auswahl, die laufend ergänzt wird.

We thank our partners for their trust in us and the professional cooperation. Here you'll find a a selection that is constantly being supplemented.


"Thank you for presenting your beautiful product and ably demonstrating the many features unique to it. We enjoyed the opportunity to see something really new. We wanted to let you know that we feel that the SOGON will enhance our services to our families. The elegance and simplicity are remarkable and unlike any other products we currently use."

– David Macdonald, Vice President, Glendale, Forest Lawn, Los Angeles, California


u.v.a. / et al.





Wir freuen uns, dass ab September 2018 ein Pilotprojekt mit Berlins größtem Friedhof Spandau “In den Kisseln” startet. Weitere Informationen dazu finden Sie hier ->


82 Pionierstraße, Bezirk Spandau, Berlin, 13589, Deutschland.